Friday, July 15, 2011

UK's Bolton Council to Deaccession Picassos

The UK's Bolton Council is deaccessioning 35 works from its public collection to fund the building of a new museum storage warehouse. The council believes that the need for the upgraded facility falls under the Museums Association's definition of "exceptional circumstances," the only time public bodies are allowed to sell work from their collection.

The council's other works to be auctioned off include an etching and a lithograph by Pablo Picasso.

Via the BBC.

Friday, July 1, 2011

To What Exactly Did Brandeis University Agree to?

Apparently, nothing.

Remember the big fiasco concerning Brandeis University’s possible fire sale of the Rose Art Museum’s collection? Well, the Chronicle of Higher Education has published the following news.

Brandeis University announced on Thursday that it would not sell any part of its prized collection of modern art at its Rose Art Museum, ending a long-simmering dispute that had cast a negative light on the Massachusetts institution.

However, Donn Zaretsky takes issue with this statement as well as headlines from the Boston Globe, LA Times, and The Art Newspaper.

That isn’t quite right. What the settlement agreement says (you can read it here; see the last sentence of paragraph 1) is that Brandeis “has no aim, plan, design, strategy or intention to sell any artwork.” There’s a big difference between saying that and saying they promise not to sell any artwork.

Glad someone’s doing some content checking.
